Is this a narrative you’ve had sitting in your notebook or did the idea evolve as you listened to the music and lyrics?
We totally wrote the idea for the music.
Indeed, Police Dog Hogan’s tune was not very trendy, it’s quite a specific genre, so we had to find an idea that suited it.
And then we thought that whatever the music you’re into, when you love it so much, you just want to share it with everyone. And you want them to love it as much as you do. Even though you have to strap headphones to their head.
It’s sooo black. When you were shooting it were you constantly wondering how to make the story worse?
We don’t think it’s that black. For us, it’s an homage to what the Coen Brothers do.
If you think about it, Fargo is pretty dark but although very funny at the same time.
Although, it can’t be that bad to torture a hipster, can it?
Go on tell us, Devil Jim is actually a really nice guy? Where did you find the cast?
Of course, if you wouldn’t really want to come across Devil Jim in a forest, you’d love to go for drinks with Guillaume Delaunay, the French actor who plays the character. He’s the nicest man on earth, softly spoken and shy. It was his first time in London and we took him around the city and we had the best of times. It shows how much talent he’s got, he should be in Hollywood playing all the baddies, he’s so good at it. Call his agent, and use him, we recommend him so much!
Where and how long was the shoot?
We shot one very full and very long day in the UK, near Pinewood Studio in a kind of junk yard. It seems that whatever object that was dropped on the floor there, stays on the floor forever. That object being an old magazine, or a car…
Anything else we should know?
Surrender Monkeys just signed to Colonel Blimp, so send the briefs, or we’ll send Devil Jim after you!
Directors: Surrender Monkeys
Dop: Sam Brown
Producer: Joe Walker
Editor: Eve Ashwell @Cut&Run
Sound: Sam Ashwell @750mph
Grade: Aline Sinquin @MPC
Production: Colonel Blimp