On The Cusp, Longlist - Personal Project

Ways of Seeing

DJ Furth

Ways of Seeing is a film about the transformative, healing power of nature and female wisdom as expressed through movement. We wanted to bring attention to the courage it takes to sit with the inevitable pain we experience as we seek to grow. The film seeks to focus on the ways our inner world is expressed in how we move— particularly subconscious movement. And, based on this, to investigate the healing effects of liberated movement. The film also draws on a fascination with nature’s capacity to humble and inspire us and, given this, the ways through which we can become more aware of, and receptive to, that innate strength. Similarly, Ways of Seeing is based on the conviction that even the most seemingly mundane experiences can have profound, lasting impact on our lives. The film is a reflection of the belief that a slight shift in how we perceive something or ourselves can dramatically change our lives.

DJ is a versatile director known for genre-blurring films with experimental tendencies, cross-cultural emotional sensibilities and a strong emphasis on intimately surreal visuals and sound in support of human stories. His work reaches toward ethereal subconscious truths by treading the line between the everyday and surreal. Whether through documentaries and narrative films or music videos and art projects, DJ is committed to investing himself in projects which explore the potent intersections and nuances of human emotion, culture, consciousness and our relationship to our environment -- always pushing creative boundaries and building long-term creative partnerships. His work has been included in film festivals, art exhibitions and curated video programs globally.