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2nd August 2017
Six of the best creative music videos
Saam Farahmand constantly surprises and this time he rocks up with a gaspingly good, pushing-the-edges film for Jagger: Daniels are back on short-form track with their signature humour, quirks and cleverness; 1.4 award winners Parachutes get even more ambitious; while another 1.4 winner Pablo Maestres shows us again why he’s one of our favourite directors with his distinctive originality; Sean Pecknold ventures into live action with his long-term collaborators Fleet Foxes; and Calum Macdiarmid creates a mystery narrative beautifully shot

Mick Jagger, Gotta Get A Grip directed by Saam Farahmand

Manchester Orchestra, The Sunshine directed by Daniels, Prettybird

L’Impératrice, Les Sultans des Iles directed by Parachutes, SlowDance

Polo & Pan, Coeur Croisé directed by Pablo Maestres, Frenzy and Primo

Fleet Foxes, Fool’s Errand directed by Sean Pecknold, Society

Three Laws, Siren Song directed by Calum Macdiarmid, Great Guns


Mick Jagger, Gotta Get A Grip

Director: Saam Farahmand

Manchester Orchestra, The Sunshine

Director: Daniels
Production company: Prettybird

L’Impératrice, Les Sultans des Iles

Directed by Parachutes
Production: SlowDance
Productrice: Valentine Suc
Directeur de production — Fabrice Godin
1er assistant réalisateur — Sébastien Auger
Chef opérateur — Elodie Tahtane
1er assistant opérateur — Arthur Chassaing
2nd assistant opérateur — Emmanuelle Vivier
Directeur de Casting — Jocelyn Rummler
Adjointe casting — Emma Droin
Prises de vue additionnelles — GRAMA

Polo & Pan, Coeur Croisé

Director: Pablo Maestres
Producer: Laia Barot
Production Company: Frenzy and Primo
Executive Producer: Elsa Rakotoson, Camille Semprez, Cédric Barus, Cecilia Salguero
Main Cast: Yulia Tsymbal & Laurent Meri
Director of Photography: Marc Miró
Production Design: Anna Colomer
Choreographer: Tuixén Benet
Costume Designer: POLIÉSTER
Make up & Hair Design: Javier Ceferino & Alba Guillén
Edit: Carlos Font Clos
Post-production: Metropolitana
Colorist: Marc Morató
Production Manager: Aina Salarich
1st AD: Gemma Sellarés

Fleet Foxes, Fool's Errand

Director: Sean Pecknold
Art Director & Production Design: Adi Goodrich
Creative Direction: Sing-Sing
Director of Photography: Zia Mohajerjasbi
Choreographer: Steven Reker
Wardrobe: Katrina Rumford
Hair & Makeup: Erin Walters
Executive Producer: Harry Calbom
Producer: Sarah Haber
Production Co.: Society
Special Thanks: Cinelab and Robert Houllahan

Three Laws, Siren Song

Written / Directed by Calum Macdiarmid
Produced by Saskia Whinney
Edited by Will Cole
DOP: Nick Bennett
Grade: Oisin O’Driscoll at the Mill
Sound Design: Ned Sisson
VFX: Calum Macdiarmid / Adam Relf
Wardrobe: Natalie Wilkins
Make-up: Helen Asher
Art Director: Nick Hadfield
Electrical: Will Horwell
Lead Actor: Sonny Sun
Driver: Leo Ashizawa
Boss: Jozef Aoki
No. 2: Johnny Ong
Waiter: DJ Takaki
human smuggler: Max Pritchard
Extra: Robin Khor Yong Kuan