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3rd March 2015
Six of the best creative commercials
Part 1 of the world's most amazing ads

Geico, Family, Unskippable directed by Terri Timely, Park Pictures, NY
See more in campaign here

Skoda, Attention Test directed by Luke Bellis, MindsEye

DNB, Our House directed by Martin de Thurah, Bacon Productions

THINK! Drug Drive Paranoia directed by Frederic Planchon, Academy

Canal Digital, Clowns / Chainsaw directed by Bart Timmer, Bacon

NSPCC, Lucy and The Boy animated by Yves Geleyn and Dan & Jason, Hornet


Geico, Family Unskippable

Director: Terri Timely

Production company: Park Pictures

Executive Producer: Jackie Kelman Bisbee

Executive Producer: Justin Pollock

Head Of Production: Anne Bobroff

Producer: David Lambert

DoP: Donavan Sell

Agency: Martin Agency

Group Creative Director: Wade Alger

Associate Creative Director: Neel Williams

Associate Creative Director: Mauricio Mazziariol


SKODA Fabia: Attention Test
Agency: AIS London
Creative Director: Geoff Gower
Creative: Ian Cochran
Creative: Jay Packham
Production Company: MindsEye
Director: Luke Bellis
Producer: Ben Sullivan
Executive Producer: Hughie Phillips
Post-Production: Espen Haslene @ Tundra


DNB, Our House

Director: Martin de Thurah

Production company, Bacon Productions


Department for Transport, Lights

Agency: AMV BBDO

Production: Academy Films

Director: Frederic Planchon

DOP: Frederic Planchon

Producer: Medb Riordan

Creative: Rob Messeter

Creative: Mike Crowe

TV Producer: Nick Godden

Editor: Sam Rice-Edwards @ The Assembly Rooms


Canal Digital, Clowns

Director: Bart Timmer
Client: Canal Digital
Agency: TBWA, Stockholm
Creatives: Kalle Håkanson, Martin Baude, Sanna Lengholm
Project Manager: Per Olholt
Prod.Co: Bacon
Producer: Ylva Axell
DoP: Calle Nilsson
Editor: Marcus Kryler


NSPCC, Lucy and The Boy

Director: Dan & Jason ("I saw your willy")
Director: Yves Geleyn ("Lucy and The Boy")
Executive Producer: Jan Stebbins
Producer: Cathy Kwan
Editor: Anita Chao
Storyboard Artist: Carlos  Laura Murphy
Lead Character Designer: Adrian Johnson
Designer: Anna Bron
Animation Director: Mike Luzzi