Flying High, Longlist - Commercial, Planet Positive
Shortlist - Commercial
Shortlist - Planet Positive
Planet Positive
Winner - Silver

Wear Wool, Not Fossil Fuel

Sil van der Woerd, Jorik Dozy

Park Village / Studio Birthplace

We're in the middle of a climate emergency and as filmmakers, we believe it is our responsibility to tell the most important stories of our time. To make the invisible visible. Did you know that about 70% of all clothes today are made from synthetics? That's another word for oil. We're literally wearing oil. The fast fashion industry uses 2.5 million litres of it every 25 minutes. Big numbers like these are often hard to comprehend and therefore we struggle to connect with them. Using film to visualise big data in ways we can relate to it will help us come to grip with the reality of our consumer culture. Change starts with awareness and with every film or piece of content we create, we push to work towards a more sustainable future for our planet.

Studio Birthplace (founded by directing duo Sil & Jorik) is a creative studio dedicated to improving awareness and inspiring change across a multitude of ecological and humanitarian issues. This unique collective of filmmakers and technologists combine an array of visual talents, from breathtaking cinematography and high end VFX work, to AR and mobile gaming, in an attempt to shine a light on the climate crisis and marginalised communities in the most remote corners of the world. Studio Birthplace and Sil & Jorik are exclusively represented in the UK by Park Village.