On The Cusp, Longlist - Personal Project
Shortlist - Personal Project


Marc Thomas


BSAHTEK. A ballad from another time of young men during their haircut in a north african hair salon in Paris, the story of a slice of suspended time spent before the mirror. It's for this hair salon, tucked away on a narrow street in Pigalle (Paris), that some young people cross the city for a precise, 10€ haircut. Shot in 16mm and over a guitar western feeling, the film seeks to capture, with an enthusiasm curbed by modesty, a moment off the beaten path, light-hearted yet serious, in which the haircut becomes a chance to self-perfect. Be it the latest trend or the ritual visit, an exercise of savoir-faire and style, the contemplative moment glimpsed in the reflections of the large, gleaming mirrors becomes the refrain from another time. A ballad that has been played by generations before us, the one that leaves us pensive and moved by the feeling that we are heirs to a tradition, the new charismatic gentlemen with the slicked-back dos. Then comes the closing remark, bringing the flight of fancy to an end. “BSAHTEK”, it’s the approval, the compliment, the last word that concludes the cut.

Marc Thomas is a director based in Paris with an art director experience specialized in fashion and luxury fields.