On The Cusp, Longlist - Personal Project

Fifty miles (Sju mil)

Eilif Bremer Landsend


For me – this has been an incredibly rewarding project. It been made with incredible talented people that have lifted the film, but they have also been so generous that I feel they have also lifted me. The film was made with creative surplus. I met Turid, the main character of the film the first time I was on that Island where the film takes place working on another project. She struck me as an interesting person with her warm and interesting face, her humor, the strong life story and her passion for the little island. I really felt I wanted to tell parts of her story. And I’m glad I did before she died. It feels like a big gift to be able to tell her story. I felt I had to tell her story. She also reminds me of my grandmother.

Eilif Bremer Landsend (b. 1990) is a filmmaker from Tromso, Norway. He has created and several short films, a feature film, music videos, docs and more from arctic Norway, from a boxing Club in Uganda, the vast desert of Namibia, to a small island far out in the sea to mention a few. Eilif is self taught filmmaker. His latest short doc is Fifty miles (Sju mil). In addition to directing, Eilif has facilitated film workshops for youths in Norway, Russia, South Africa and Kenya. He holds an education from the creative leader and process school Kaospilot.