Flying High, Longlist - Animation

Breakbot, Be Mine Tonight

Gary Levesque

Wizz / Quad Group

Is she playing the game or is the game playing her? We'll never quite know the answer, but there's no denying the enduring joy of a great arcade hall. Somehow the sound of a soda fountain and the smell of popcorn and candy mixed in with a menagerie of game sounds and lights signals the brain to release a rush of endorphins the moment you insert a coin. This atmosphere of atemporal nostalgia goes perfectly with Breakbot's signature sound, and if you look closely, you'll see him along with other Ed Banger easter eggs hidden in this music video.

When Gary Levesque graduated from the French animation university Supinfocom Valenciennes and joined Wizz as Flying V, he immediately started to work on a range of projects producing art toys, illustrations and directing commercials. While his 3D skills are highly developed, Gary likes to maintain a hand drawn effect in his work, inspired by the subtlety and colors of traditional animation, cartoons and poster design. He has won awards at Eurobest, Epica, the Art Directors Club of Europe, been shortlisted at Cannes and recently had a very successful run with an extremely crafted film for SNSM that tells the story of a very frustrated mermaid!