Ravi Amaratunga Hitchcock

Head of Pi Studios


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Ravi is an Experienced Film & Video executive working at Executive Director level internationally across broadcast television, online media and advertising.

Currently Co-Founder of new editorial and branded content venture Pi Studios in Amsterdam, Ravi is an Ex-VICE Media Global Executive Producer, Head of Video at Dazed Media and Editor at Channel 4.

I was born in ….

I now live in…

I’m listening to…
The The

Twin Peaks Season 3

The New Yorker through my fingers

Dreaming of…

I wish I’d known when I was 18 that…
Everyone’s making it up as they go along

Sometimes I wish I were …
taller, baller, etc

My most valuable social media app is…

What’s not to love about…
Aziz Anzari

What epitomises right now?
Love and Hate at the same time

Where’s the next creative centre…
Amsterdam (I’m biased) and Delhi (for real)

Best advice you’ve ever been given…
Be nice to people on your way up. You’ll see them on your way down.

In the end what really matters…
is what you really care about. You only get one chance. Fuck all the other bullshit. Be Ruthless.