Matt Craigie Atherton

Chief Production Officer

Mother, London

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Matt was recently appointed to Mother’s leadership team in the newly-created role of chief production officer after being a member of the Adam&EveDDB team for over eight years and their first Head of Integrated Production since 2014.

After starting out on the production side for five formative years at Blink Productions, Matt moved agency side and a few years later went on to produce much of the Christmas work for the retail client, John Lewis.

At Mother he is focusing on craft and keeping the agency ahead in production.

I was born in…

I now live in…

I’m listening to…
My uncle’s folk band

Man in an Orange Shirt

Tom Watkin’s autobiography

Dreaming of…

I wish I’d known when I was 18 that…
University isn’t everything

Sometimes I wish I were …
Running another marathon

My most valuable social media app is…
Insta because it makes me feel so close to my Australian family

What’s not to love about…

What epitomises right now?

Where’s the next creative centre…
Wherever it wants to be

Best advice you’ve ever been given…
Go and freelance for that tiny startup agency

In the end what really matters…